If you have an indoor space, you can add soundproofing in the walls and ceiling to make the room quieter. But what about outdoor spaces? Fortunately, there are some ways to increase the peace and tranquility of your patio space.

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Can Patio Screens Help Reduce Noise?

When it comes to patio screens and noise, it’s important to know that there are different kinds of noise. The sound of construction next door or a busy highway across the street is very different than the sound of children playing. With a highway or construction work, you may need to drown out the vibrations as well as the noise. In contrast, the sound of neighbors may be temporary and may only require a barrier.

Patio screens can help add privacy and protect against insects and the hot sun. Since they still allow the breeze in, they do not block all noise — but they can still help with certain sounds. There is a field of study called psycho-acoustics that has identified a psychological component to how we perceive sounds. Specifically, when we have visual separation from a source of noise, we’re less bothered by it. Out of sight, out of mind.

Installing patio enclosures and patio screens can help you tackle some types of noise so you can enjoy your outdoor space even more. They can create a more private space that helps you feel more protected from outside disturbances.

tips for noise reduction outdoor spaces

Tips for Noise Reduction for Your Outdoor Spaces

If you’re experiencing outdoor noise on your patio or deck, there are a few things you can do:

  • Install landscaping or a fence: Tall, thick trees and shrubs can create a sound curtain that can reduce some types of noise. A tall fence made from solid materials, such as thick wood or masonry, can also block out sounds from the neighbors.
  • Add carpet or sound absorption panels: To reduce echo within your patio, consider adding sound-adsorbing panels to the ceiling and indoor-outdoor carpet on the floor.
  • Consider a foundation or low stone wall: While sound can travel over the top of low masonry structures, these additions can help absorb the sound of traffic on a nearby road, especially in places where you can’t easily build a fence.
  • Introduce white noise: A water feature with bubbling water or a sound system with white noise can add ambiance to your patio and deaden noises coming in from outside.
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How Shading Texas Can Help

If you’re not using your patio, deck or other outdoor space as much as you could, contact Shading Texas. With more than 40 years of experience and a variety of exterior shading applications, we offer the flexibility to create custom solutions that fit your home and your specific needs.

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