pool awning art

Protecting Your Outdoor Furniture

Your outdoor furniture needs to be protected from the elements and kept clean. You’ll also want to invest in furniture that’s built of weather tolerant or properly treated wood to keep it in good shape for years to come.

Avoiding Sun Damage

While storms can do a number on your cushions, daily sun exposure is one of the top challenges that will eventually destroy your wooden patio furniture. There are several options for successful outdoor furniture protection to keep things looking good now and in the future.

Consider regular maintenance such as:

  • keeping the furniture clean with gentle soap, some light scrubbing and hosing off
  • keeping the furniture painted or protected with a UV resistant stain if appropriate to the type of wood used
  • remembering that even the best outdoor wood will eventually wear out or become loose in the joints
  • gluing any wobbly or rickety furniture as soon as it starts to pull apart

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Cover For Comfort

If you’re more comfortable with metal patio chairs, know that it’s still important to cover your outdoor furniture for your own safety. An iron chair that’s been baking in the Texas sun for a few hours may be dangerously hot by the time you get home and want to relax outside.

Wood can also get very warm in the sun. Your outdoor wood table, if painted a traditional redwood paint color, will likely be too hot to touch by sunset if it gets western exposure.

A simple way to invest in outdoor furniture protection that will also shield humans who just want to sit down and relax is by investing in a sunshade or awning. The addition of shade to your outdoor relaxation and recreation area will give your family and guests a nice cool spot to sit and enjoy the breeze.

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Smart Outdoor Furniture Protection

Of course, if the weather gets wild you will need to roll in the awning or roll up the sunshade to protect it from damage. Once the awning is up and the sunshade protected, be ready to go collect or catch your cushions before they’re tossed around your yard.

If you don’t have much natural shade, it may be time to consider investing in individual slipcovers to safely cover your outdoor furniture. These canvas covers are quite durable and can often be purchased when you buy the furniture. Of course, before you can pack them away, you’ll need to let them dry completely to avoid any mildew or mold.


Your outdoor furniture completes your outdoor relaxation area and is an oasis of calm for much of the year. Mild winters, long springs, and beautiful falls make it possible to be outdoors for much of the year in Texas, and if you have a pool, you can cool off even in the most scorching heat. For the best protection for your furniture from sun, wind, dirt, and rain get in touch with Shading Texas and schedule your free on-site estimate.